I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.

El sistema UVscenic emplea dos métodos de desinfección para una perfecta esterilización del agua, sin añadir ningún tipo de producto químico. Por un lado se generan oxidantes a través de electrólisis de baja salinidad (desde 1,5 gr/NaCl), por otro lado se somete el agua a una radiación UV-C que ayuda adicionalmente a neutralizar bacterias, virus y otros organismos primarios.